Monday, January 8, 2007

Down in History

“I couldn't begin to describe it to you.”

“Well what do you think caused it?”

“Hard to say. Doesn't seem like anything could have brought it on really.”

Moments ago, a man had just been turned inside out. Currently all that was once quietly contained inside his frame was splayed out on the floor of the Bank of America, on the corner of Amherst and Pine. The entire scene to this point had been treated with the kind of quiet reverence usually paid to patriarchal memorial services or medical death sentences. Far past the point of rational horror, everyone within sight of the spectacle kind of gathered around and shared in a moment with each other.

“Do you think it'll happen to someone else?”

“Hard to say. Better just leave em' be.”

“No way! We've gotta get this guy outta here!”

“Aint so much a guy anymore. Now he's just a mess.”

“Hey shut up. He probably had a family and stuff.”

He did, in fact, but that is all inconsequential. Who this man was does not matter. It's what he did that matters. What happened to him. On an average day, in the midst of his average life, this man's body became the first ever in recorded history to have spontaneously inverted itself. Is there any reason this man should be held responsible for this? Well, it happened to him, didn't it? He may have done nothing to bring it on, but it happened, and because it happened to him, it earned him a special place in the annals of human history.

The post-mortem pathology report is as follows: The subject was a 37 year old male of average build and weight. No previous medical conditions. At the time of his last medical checkup his blood-pressure had been a little high, but nothing out of the ordinary. He allegedly maintained a relatively healthy diet, and was fairly active.

A review of the Bank's surveillance tape shows exactly what happened. The subject was standing in line for a teller. He began to take a step forward and at this point his right foot appears to bend back, almost in half. Blood immediately bursts fourth from the split. A seam rips from his heel all the way up his thigh and upon reaching his waist his internals just fall out of his shirt and hit the floor. The tear continues up his chest and neck as he is collapsing to the floor and upon reaching his mouth, the skin on his face peels back terminating in a point on the back of the subjects cranial arch.
If it was not for this incident this man would have led a wholly unremarkable life.

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